Tuesday, April 27, 2021


Well here I am again. Last year, most people (me included) canceled their PCT hikes because of the pandemic and became NOGO hikers (hikers who hike from south to north on long trails are referred to as NOBO hikers, so "NOGO" is a play on that). Now, I'm ready to go from NOGO to NOBO.

The past year has allowed me to get into a little better physical shape than I was last year and also to get into a little better mental shape. Both of which I hope will allow me to succeed in this endeavor.

The extra year has also allowed me to refine my gear list. I've dropped about 2 pounds off my baseweight (pack and gear without consumables like food and water). I got a new, lighter pack that I believe will suit me better. I also decided to forego trekking poles. I started using poles a couple of years ago and while I find them useful on uphill sections, I ultimately prefer hiking without them. While I've obsessed over what exactly to carry (counting grams of gear weight), if I decide I want something different, I can fairly easily have it shipped to me on the trail. Below you can see all of my gear that I'm starting the trail with.


  1. May the trail rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your face, may the rains fall softly upon the trail, and until we meet again, may purple circles surround you, may you think clear thoughts, and always be safe (variation on an old Irish blessing). Love, Mom

  2. Sending bands of angels with purple circles - happy trails, with love xo

  3. Hi Michael. We are so excited about your adventure and we will be following along with you via your blog.
    "In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks." John Muir
