Friday, May 7, 2021

Day 7 - Tuesday, May 4

Cowboy camping two feet from the trail (mile 133.0). Walked 20.5 miles today.

I think a squirrel was jumping from branch to branch in the tree I was camping under last night. It kept me up for a while. Woke up not quite refreshed but ready to go. Waked the two miles to where Lost and Found camped last night. She and a bunch of others were eating breakfast. Went a couple more miles and got water at Agua Caliente Creek.
Not sure where the "caliente" part comes from because it was ice cold. After that, began a long climb up with views getting better all the time.
The trail wove back and forth around the mountains and eventually passed through a boulder field. Quite the sight.
Passed several hikers and Allie (who we briefly met the other day at scissors crossing) and I kept playing leapfrog all morning.
Arrived at Mike's Place about noon with Daddi-o, Desert Flower, and the female Desert Flower (whiner met yesterday in Warner Springs) who is now going by the name Soft Spot so there won't be two Desert Flowers.
We filtered some water from huge tanks and then went to hang at Mike's. Mike is a Trail Angel who lives right off the trail and invites hikers to come spend time at his digs. We charged our devices and ate some lunch. Turns out Soft Spot is from VA as well (Ashburn). We all hung out in the shade and chatted. Lost and Found and Emily showed up a little later and we chatted some. Emily's blisters on her soles have popped and are really hurting her. About 2:30, we left and walked another 6 miles to a small spot right off the trail where Emily and I are camped tonight. On the way, we saw some incredible views including our first view of Mt. San Jacinto which we'll climb in a few days.
Goal is 17 miles tomorrow to set us up for an short walk to the fabled Paradise Valley Cafe for breakfast on Thursday.


  1. Great photos! Helps us picture what you’re seeing.

  2. Gorgeous views! You can nearly smell the beauty.

  3. Love those mountains and those boulders! Kind of crazy to look out and see a mountain so far in the distance and know you'll be there in a few days time. Sort of otherworldly!
