Saturday, June 12, 2021

Day 42 - Tuesday, June 8

Tenting at Crabtree Meadows (left trail at mile 767.0).  Walked 16.2 miles plus 1.0 on the John Muir Trail.

It was really cold last night.  Probably the coldest night on trail so far.  I cinched my sleeping bag almost all the way closed.  Finally got up, made a double serving of hot chocolate to warm up.  Rolled out at 7 am and climbed up above the lake to some great views of the surrounding landscape.
The trail hugged the tree line for a while before dipping down into the forest.  After a few miles, we entered Sequoia National Park; our first of seven national parks that the trail passes through.
The trail then dropped lower in elevation for several miles before reaching Rock Creek: our first stream of the Sierra that we have to ford.  Due to the low snow this year, the creek was nothing more than a simple rock hop.
On the other side, the steepest climb of the trail awaited.  I ID'd some macros at the creek and then left Jedi and AB there to begin the climb.  Several sets of switchbacks led to a flatter area and then the 1,000 foot climb ended with more switchbacks.
Caught Frank near the top of the climb and we hiked together for the next several miles until we arrived at a beautiful meadow with a stunning view of Mt. Whitney and the surrounding mountains.  Photo credit : Sure Foot.
Frank and I ate lunch here and it seriously improved our moods.  I've started rationing my food as it's going to be close as to whether or not I have enough.  After lunch, we crossed a small stream and then had an extremely steep climb up to the John Muir Trail junction which we took to get to Crabtree Meadows.
There are tons of people camped here tonight.  Most of them (like us) are planning an ascent of Whitney tomorrow.  Although the PCT doesn't go up to the summit of Whitney, it's only a 7.5 mile (one way) detour on the John Muir Trail (JMT).  Normally it's really tough to get a Whitney permit, but our PCT permits allow us to summit it.  Most thru hikers take advantage of this because let's be real: when are you going to be this close again and in as good shape while also being somewhat acclimated to the elevation?

Frank and I sat on a rock in the meadow and relaxed in the sun while waiting for Jedi and AB.
Lefty came over and joined us for a bit.  Then we set up our tents and ate dinner on the edge of the meadow.  Thin Mint, Forrest, and Arugula joined us.  Then Lefty found a chair and perched it on the rock next to us to become Queen Lefty.
We're planning on pushing up to Whitney at 4:30 am tomorrow morning so it's an early night.  AB, Forrest and Thin Mint are going to skip Whitney and head back to the PCT tomorrow.  We'll catch them in Bishop in a few days.  Temps are supposed to be colder tonight so we're all in our tents (except Jedi).  Should make for a frigid morning on the mountain.


  1. Wow! The Sierras are as beautiful as I’ve read (John Muir’s writings) and seen in photos (Ansel Adams and yours!). I long to visit them...someday! You all chose some first class sites to camp!

  2. Beautiful! Wild to think that Sequoia is the first National Park you come to. Glad that the first creek crossing was nice and easy.
