Saturday, October 16, 2021

PCT Statistics

Today marks one month since I reached Canada on the PCT. In that month, I've been able to do some traveling and decompress a little bit. I've also been able to reflect some on my hike and I've compiled some of my statistics which can be seen here.

I completed the trail (including the 30 miles back to Hart's Pass) in 143 days, averaging 17.6 miles per day - 19.7 miles per day if you don't count zero days. I took 15 zeros and 18 nearos (days where I walked less than 10 miles). 21 of my days were marathon days where I walked at least 26.2 miles.

The PCT is just over 2,650 miles long, but as a result of three fire closures from last year and one active fire that I had to skip around, I ended up hiking just under 2,500 miles of the actual trail. The "total miles walked" includes camps that were slightly off trail, resupplies that we had to hike a ways to, and side trails like Mt. Whitney, but not any walking around towns (which I did a LOT of but have no way to measure).

Near the end of the hike, Frank and I had a 7-day period where we hiked 185 miles of trail which means that we averaged 26.4 miles per day during that span. No wonder we were tired...

Interestingly, I only spent one night camping alone (on day 14). I went into this hike expecting to camp alone a lot more often, but that didn't happen and I'm thankful that I got to camp with so many awesome people.

Coming out of Snoqualmie Pass, Frank and I climbed almost 8,000 feet in one day. That's 1.5 miles of vertical elevation that we climbed.

I ended up spending a little more than I had planned for this trip, but I'm ok with the amount I spent (it's more than the average hiker though). Towns are where all the money gets spent and I definitely noticed that my expenses decreased dramatically when Frank and I powered through Washington and barely made any town stops.

As for animals (not on this graphic), I saw 8 bears (including 3 cubs), 4 rattlesnakes, 1 moose, a handful of elk, and countless deer, marmots, pika, chipmunks, birds and squirrels.

Overall though, these statistics add up to one amazing life experience that I'm so thankful I got to have. Now it's on to the next one, whatever that may be!

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